Power Rangers » Season 27 » Episode 1
EP22 - Evox Unleashed
EP21 - Source Code
EP20 - Crunch Time
EP19 - Fossil Frenzy
EP18 - The Silva Switch
EP17 - Goin' Ape
EP16 - Golden Opportunity
EP15 - Grid Connection
EP14 - Making Bad
EP13 - Finders Keepers
EP12 - The Greater Good
EP11 - Intruder Alert!
EP10 - The Evox Snare
EP9 - Secret Struggle
EP8 - Boxed In
EP7 - Beast King Rampage
EP6 - The Blame Game
EP5 - Cruisin' for a Bruisin'
EP4 - Artist Anonymous
EP3 - Game On!
EP2 - Save Our Shores
EP1 - Believe It or Not
EP21 - Source Code
EP20 - Crunch Time
EP19 - Fossil Frenzy
EP18 - The Silva Switch
EP17 - Goin' Ape
EP16 - Golden Opportunity
EP15 - Grid Connection
EP14 - Making Bad
EP13 - Finders Keepers
EP12 - The Greater Good
EP11 - Intruder Alert!
EP10 - The Evox Snare
EP9 - Secret Struggle
EP8 - Boxed In
EP7 - Beast King Rampage
EP6 - The Blame Game
EP5 - Cruisin' for a Bruisin'
EP4 - Artist Anonymous
EP3 - Game On!
EP2 - Save Our Shores

Turn off light
Power Rangers
A team of teenagers with attitude are recruited to save Angel Grove from the evil witch, Rita Repulsa, and later, Lord Zedd, Emperor of all he sees, and their horde of monsters.
First Air Date: 1993-08-28
Original Language: EN
Vote Average: 7.1
TMDB-ID: 2328
IMDB ID: tt0106064